Engineering Service, Inc.
» TeleScript LT
TeleScript LT

TeleScriptLT (for MS-DOS) is designed for use in any situation that requires reliability and portability.
It offers zero-tolerance dependability, versatility and eased of use. Notebook users have access to all of the advanced professional elements of TeleScriptPC, the industry standard in teleprompting. We include a 10-button serial controller that allows for smooth scrolling and puts pushbutton power at your fingertips. For live back-up, dual serial control option allows one operator to scroll on two similar notebook computer simultaneously and in sync. Also included is a high-resolution VGA-to-NTSC scan converter for composite video output.
- Intelligent translation of ALL versions of Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, Lotus WordPro, HTML and ASCII files
- Smooth Scrolling with 10-button Serial Controller
- Spell-checking, Book Marking
- Cut & Paste
- Search & Replace
- International Character Sets
- Support for Microsoft Code Pages
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