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Calrec will unveil major enhancements to both software and hardware in its Apollo and Artemis consoles. Taking on concepts first introduced on the Summa console, version 3.0 of the consoles’ software presents new features and expands the user interface and on-screen operator feedback. At the same time, the consoles themselves are getting an upgrade with the addition of a new processing resource, the Concord processor.

“We’ve worked hard with some of the best people in the industry to enhance the Apollo and Artemis surfaces,” said Henry Bourne, Calrec product manager. “Feedback on the Summa console was overwhelmingly positive, so we have incorporated a lot of the same concepts into the larger, more powerful consoles in the range. These features will be very popular with our users and speed up their workflows.”

Version 3.0 introduces a new processing mode that completely reimagines the way operators interact with Bluefin2′s powerful processing engine. Summary displays provide an instant preview of a path’s processing, and a single button-press reveals detailed controls for EQ, dynamics, delay, and AutoFaders, or a combination of those essential controls for the whole path.

The new software also gives Apollo and Artemis users dynamic new features such as path presets, user-configurable wild controls, multilayer routing interrogation, stereo spill, additional meter scales, and patchable oscillator sources.

Other improvements include enhancements to the patching screens, which now show a list of connected destinations for each source, making it immediately clear which sources are in use. Every source and destination list now has a consistent layout, with each row containing only a single source or destination. This display makes it easier to make connections and instantly assess which sources are in use.

“We are confident we’ve come up with the best way yet to connect our customers to their audio,” Bourne said. “We have tested prerelease versions of the software with a number of Calrec users, and the feedback has been incredibly positive.”


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