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Australia’s Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS) is centralizing its media operations on the Dalet Galaxy Media Asset Management (MAM) platform. The vision will provide a unified infrastructure to facilitate greater content collaboration across all SBS departments, and orchestrate the program acquisition, preparation and distribution workflows under a single system.

“SBS made a strategic decision to bring our programming content under the management of a single MAM platform,” says Noel Leslie, Chief Technology Officer for SBS. “The integrated solution consolidates a number of our existing systems, unifying assets. This will allow for greater collaboration across SBS, and make it easier for us to store, access and share our content, enabling us to do what we do best – telling important diverse stories. We were also looking for a more cost-efficient approach to preparation and distribution that will positively benefit the financial bottom line. We chose to work with Dalet to achieve this in what we are confident will be the beginning of a long term partnership.”

In total, SBS will implement dozens of different workflows and seamlessly integrate 10 different systems with Dalet. The new streamlined architecture will bring SBS’s vast archives into the production workflow and provide embedded tools to conduct program preparation as well as emerging “new media” workflows from a single system. Thanks to the new Dalet Workflow Engine, task-based and complex processes such as assignments, escalation protocols and error management can be fully automated, orchestrating content flow from the moment it is received to its final destination in multiple languages and formats, with metadata intact. Key features like Dalet Work Orders track the progress of the work order in its entirety and provide employees access to real-time status data that serves both SBS technical and business decision needs.

“The sheer power and extensibility of the Dalet Galaxy MAM enterprise class platform to address multiple integrations and automate for media organizations is the key to SBS’s decision to work with us on this significant project,” said Raoul Cospen, General Manager, Dalet Singapore. “Using the Dalet Galaxy platform, SBS was able to unify its infrastructure and now, with fewer components to juggle, decrease training efforts.”

The Dalet Galaxy MAM will take over program management and multi-platform publishing with Ingest, QC and Playout services provided by SBS. Dalet will also integrate with IBMS sales and traffic software from SintecMedia, Adobe Premiere NLEs for craft editing, Front Porch Diva for archive and other in-house systems to provide SBS teams with a single user interface to easily access and manage content.


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