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NewTek’s IP series won top honors in the sixth annual StudioDaily Prime Awards, announced during a special presentation on the show floor at NAB. The product line was named the most outstanding, or “Best in Show,” by a panel of judges convened by StudioDaily to evaluate the best of production and post-production technology introduced during 2016.

Judges were impressed by NewTek’s forward-looking technology, which helps broadcasters get legacy video equipment on the network as they begin to build video-over-IP environments. “NewTek’s IP Series is an aggressive move into the control room that demonstrates how software-driven, GPU-accelerated production techniques will change the industry,” said StudioDaily Executive Editor Bryant Frazer. “Broadcasters can use IP Series hardware with NewTek’s NDI technology to put legacy equipment on the network and build out IP workflow using affordable equipment.”

In assessing the NewTek IP Series as Best in Show, the panel of judges said:

“NewTek just bridged the gap between SDI video and IP video. The IP Series builds on the company’s TriCaster expertise and extends the network to SDI devices you already own. That means IP video for broadcast makes more sense than ever. Is it disruptive? Yup. Is it the future of media production? Could be. You can’t ignore this.”


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