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SMPTE has presented its new SMPTE ST 2110-40 document that extends the SMPTE ST 2110 Professional Media Over Managed IP Networks standards suite. The new document maps ancillary data packets (as defined in SMPTE ST 291-1) into Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets that are transported via User Data Protocol/Internet Protocol (UDP/IP), and enables those packets to be moved synchronously with associated video and audio essence streams.

"SMPTE ST 2110-40 maps ancillary data into RTP packets, complementing the existing video and audio portions of the SMPTE ST 2110 suite," said SMPTE Director of Standards Development Thomas Bause Mason. "This advance is momentous because it means that, thanks to the ST 2110 standards suite, every element that has been part of the traditional SDI studio can now be put into an IP studio."

The SMPTE ST 2110 standards suite specifies the carriage, synchronization, and description of separate elementary essence streams over professional IP networks in real time for live production, playout, and other professional media applications. SMPTE ST 2110 separately routes the individual essence streams (audio, video, and ancillary data), which simplifies, for example, the addition of captions, subtitles, and Teletext, as well as tasks such as the processing of multiple audio languages and types. It also enables the efficient carriage of next-generation image formats with new features, such as HDR over IP, that may require metadata.

The new ST 2110-40 standard will join previously published documents in the SMPTE digital library, which is hosted on the IEEE Xplore platform:

  • SMPTE ST 2110-10/-20/-30 addresses system concerns and uncompressed video and audio streams.
  • SMPTE ST 2110-21 specifies traffic shaping and delivery timing of uncompressed video.

SMPTE is offering a Virtual Classroom course on ST 2110, and the newly published ST 2110-40 standard will be a focus of the course.

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