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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

TVB has bought two Artemis Beam's and one Artemis Light consoles as part of its continuing audio technology upgrade. The latest installations bring the total of Artemis consoles at TVB to eight.

"We used Calrec Alpha consoles in our studios for many years and were very impressed and happy with them so upgrading to the Artemis was an easy choice for us given our legacy with Calrec products. What we love about the Artemis is that it gives us industry standards like multi-format audio and loudness for a truly modern workflow," said Mr. Law Yui Wah, Studio Production Department/Assistant Manager at TVB Hong Kong.

TVB Hong Kong is using the new Artemis consoles for a variety of programming including Miss Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ruby 7, and the International Chinese New Year Night Parade. This is in addition to 24-hour news and live sports use.

With the Artemis consoles, TVB Hong Kong can switch between an existing 56-fader Artemis Beam in their OB van and 48 faders in their larger studio to a compact, 24-fader Artemis Light for their smaller new studio. Staff members move between studios with exactly the same workflows.

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