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TVU Networks Launches Cloud-based, Multi-Camera Production Solution. TVU Producer is a cloud-based video production solution with web-browser interface and support for simultaneous output to Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope and more, as well as to virtually any CDN platform. SDI delivery is supported through a TVU transceiver and the solution also offers a multi-channel IP video switcher, graphics and slow motion replay capabilities.

TVU Networks’ patent-pending frame-accurate switch technology is said to overcome the issue of Internet delay, which can impact processes such as switching, enabling frame accurate previews in the web-based interface. The product also supports multi-user operation enabling a number of production teams to collaborate.

“The consumer appetite for live content is strong, however, the cost and complexity involved in covering live, multi-camera events is often a barrier for content producers; as a result, multi-camera productions are often confined to large premium events,” said Paul Shen, CEO, TVU Networks. “With Producer, TVU is providing a flexible, economical and simple to use alternative that can be used by any operator – regardless of training – removing the need for expensive equipment rentals or large headcounts. This is the perfect solution for broadcasters who are under pressure to deliver more and better content with less resources.

“Non-professionals can easily manipulate graphics, scoring and text overlays during production, thanks to the simple WYSIWYG interface design,” he added.

Producer integrates with existing TVU transmitters, including TVU Anywhere, TVU One and TVU MLink, as well as with any IP video source or any standard IP video stream (HTTP, RTP, RTSP, UDP, etc.). Up to six live streams can easily be added at any time directly from the Producer interface and any user of an iOS, Android or MacOS device can be added as a live video source within seconds by downloading the TVU Anywhere application.

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