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TVU Networks solutions were helped Future Trading to remotely control the live streaming of the recent 2nd Teqball World Cup that took place on 12th – 13th of October 2018, attracting around 3,000 fans to the stadium in Reims to watch 91 players from 42 countries take part. Future Trading used TVU One to broadcast the competition, reaching to over 315,000 online viewers to date via a dedicated Facebook page.

Teqball, one of the world's fastest developing sports, is played on a curved ping-pong like table requiring football skills. It has attracted support from a number of high-profile international football players and was recommended for inclusion in the Asian Games only three years after the sport was established. With recognition already received from the Olympic Committee of Asia – governing 45 countries from the region – FITEQ, the International Federation for Teqball, has the ambition to have the sport included in the official programme of future Olympic Games.

"For this exciting World Cup competition, our TVU One solution enabled Future Trading in Hungary to remotely control the live streaming of the action to a world-wide audience of over 315,000 through Facebook. For an ambitious sport with fast growing global status like Teqball, being able to provide a global fan-base with high-quality live action is absolutely critical," said David Jorba, Managing Director Europe at TVU Networks. "With such high-stakes, Future Trading chose TVU solutions, based upon our heritage of reliability and innovation."

There were a number of challenges to overcome to ensure a reliable stream for the event, the short preparation timeline, a limited onsite team support in Reims and no additional mobile base stations nearby to secure LTE overage.

"However, the team successfully delivered live streaming of the 4-hour event without a single significant loss in quality. The stream from the TVU One pack was managed remotely from a transceiver in Budapest, Hungary. It was then transported to Facebook with the IP Streaming Output software function of the transceiver using six modems of both TVU packs with Hungarian SIM cards with roaming enabled. By connecting the WiFi of the TVU One to the hotspot of the TVU 8200, the remote team was able to simultaneously use 12 LTE modems to reach the internet" said Peter Juhasz, Sales Engineer, Future Trading.

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