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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

PESA will be showcase for the first time in Europe the latest advances in the Secura Media platform at the ISE show between the 5th and 8th of February 2019. A paradigm-changing concept for securing your media flow from its source to your display, PESA’s Secura Media Distribution System provides for the secure movement of critical information across multiple security domains using a single IA/IO DoD/DISA accredited distribution system

Now, multiple security domains can exist within a single switch instead of deploying multiple switches for each domain. PESA Secura allows multiple-security classifications to securely exist within a single video-distribution architecture by protecting the media components before their signals are introduced to the central switch.

The Secura patent-pending signal-isolation technology provides the ability to manage multiple security classifications in a single system. Each classification’s signal path can be isolated providing assurance that neither accidental routing, operator error, or insider threat can result in a classified signal reaching an unclassified user.

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