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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Sony is launching C3 Portal, a new solution that allows two-way communication and exchange of data between in the field cameras and production floors. It connects cameras to the cloud through a fast and stable transfer using a mobile connection, allowing users to share and set metadata and data remotely. C3 Portal stands for Camera-Connect-Cloud Portal and it allows operators to send files from location to the edit suite by simple and quick steps via a dedicated Android OS and iOS mobile application.

The solution adds metadata to files when they are uploaded to the cloud, which then integrates into the user’s post production system.

Users can connect cameras to their smartphone via USB and securely transfer files to cloud using both mobile and WiFi networks.

“C3 Portal will positively impact the workflow, moving away from linear and physical media bound processes, to instantly accessible files by anyone involved in the production,” said Kajita Hiroshi, head of marketing, media solutions at Sony Professional Europe. “Time to air or time to edit will therefore be greatly reduced, leading to cost efficiencies overall and simplified collaborative work, in an era of increased remote production and postproduction.”

C3 Portal will be available from the end of November.

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