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NDI (Network Device Interface) expanded its capabilities for Adobe Creative Cloud with integrated extension panels for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. The new NDI output streamlines production by removing the need for producers and creatives to export designs for teams and clients to review them.

NDI is a high-performance standard that allows anyone to use real time, ultra-low latency video on existing IP video networks, with NDI 5 as the latest iteration. The NDI Plug-In for Adobe Creative Cloud revolutionizes the way video creators work, opening up new remote editing and collaboration capabilities, and breaking down physical boundaries to make the world your editing suite.

"Designers, producers and directors globally utilize Adobe Creative Cloud to create new content and new experiences. With new tools from NDI 5 - NDI Bridge and NDI Remote - creators enjoy a streamlined workflow to advance creativity and output," said Robert Musso, Senior Product Manager at NDI. "With NDI, using a simple internet connection multiple editors can edit, highlight and localize content in record time; clients can virtually oversee the edits; multiple editors can create different outputs from the same live source – the possibilities on offer are revolutionary."

The key benefits for users of NDI 5 for Adobe Creative Cloud include:

  • Enables remote working – multiple editors can create different output from the same live sources, at the same time, anywhere in the world.
  • Enables creative collaboration – connections spark innovation and creativity; NDI widens access to that creativity pool.
  • Enables integration – NDI, acting as the common standard helps bridge between disparate tool sets, makes the workflow cohesive and unlocks value.
  • Enhances talent acquisition & retention – NDI adds flexibility, allowing talent to focus on creativity rather than the process.

"Adobe is always looking for innovative ways to improve creatives workflows," said Sue Skidmore, Head of Partner Relations for Adobe Video. "The NDI 5 Plug-In for Adobe Creative Cloud opens up new possibilities for how creators work and collaborate – no matter where their teams are located."


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