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One of the leading media content production facilities of the UK, dock10, has a technology pipeline that is part of every project and includes AJA FS-HDR real-time HDR/WCG converter/frame synchronizers to prepare UltraHD HDR and HD SDR content for live transmission. This device helped facilitate simultaneous live HDR and SDR coverage for sports tournaments this past summer.

dock10 took live UltraHD HDR feeds from each match and integrated it with 3G-SDI SDR content created in its virtual studio to produce both UltraHD HDR and HD SDR live programmes for transmission.

The live feeds were received in-studio, with dock10 then employing the AJA FS-HDR to synchronise and colour space convert the signal to UltraHD SDR for monitoring and to feed the background of the facility’s virtual studio system.

The devices were also used for MADI audio embedding, and for UltraHD HDR to HD SDR down-conversion for transmission. FS-HDR’s video delay feature was used to match lip sync, as the venue audio feeds came via different routes to the picture feeds, while FS-HDR’s LUT conversion features were also heavily used, said AJA.

“We initially looked at the FS-HDRs for their LUT processing capabilities, but quickly started using so many other features that the devices offer – from frame synchronisation to audio processing. FS-HDR is truly a Swiss Army Knife for HDR production, and saved us from purchasing or renting other equipment,” said Michael Lodmore, duty technology manager at dock10. “We relied heavily on our client’s R&D department, who had extensive experience with LUT conversions, to produce the best possible conversions whilst preserving the colour rendition of camera pictures and graphics.”

dock10 used three of its own FS-HDRs for its production work, and rented additional units as needed. The company’s experience preparing for and executing these sports projects, as well as client demand prompted for content by the pandemic, have inspired dock10 to make remote editing and production now part of its standard offerings. Along with FS-HDR, dock10 also uses AJA Corvid 88 video I/O cards for render engines in its virtual studio.


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