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LYNX Technik, provider of modular signal processing interfaces, announces its new Instant Dialog Cleaner yellobrik module, which is designed to isolate speech & dialog by removing complex background noises in live broadcasts as well as recorded audio.

The IDC 1411 incorporates powerful Deep Neural Networks (DNN) AI technology from Audionamix and resolves many audio challenges that arise in broadcast and professional av environments. With the help of this technology, the IDC 1411 analyzes audio and removes (in real-time) background noises e.g., road and air traffic, nature sounds, music and other ambient noises. This audio cleaning process separates the dialog and speech from the noises, providing a crisp audio signal that only contains the spoken word. The AI technology automatically detects the voice regardless of the surrounding noises and preserves the real integrity of the dialog, unlike other available noise reduction tools, which are often not adequate.

This tool is especially useful for live broadcasts, recording, editing and mixing audio from noisy broadcast and AV environments. For example: commentators reporting in noisy stadiums, journalists reporting news in outdoor settings and so on.

Like many other yellobriks, the IDC 1411 is supported by the new yellobrik RCT 1012 Rack Controller, enabling monitoring, parameter adjustment and third party automation via an ethernet network or VPN, from any workstation.

The IDC 1411 is compatible with LynxCentraal and yelloGUI, LYNX Technik’s free software applications that offer users advanced settings for yellobriks and other LYNX Technik products.


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