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The Phabrix's Qx and QxL rasterisers' audio functionality has been updated (v4.7), enabling them to receive up to four independent 32-channel ST 2110-30/-31 flows simultaneously under NMOS control. Phabrix’s Qx and QxL series rasterisers to include browser-based remote access, improved audio functionality, and an optional EUHD License for the QxL Series, enabling the units to generate and receive ST 2110-20 flows (up to 4K60P 444:12-bit) simultaneously.

The company said an upgrade to the Linux OS Kernel allows standard browser-based remote access to the user interface using noVNC. As a result, there is no longer a requirement to install a separate application to remotely access Qx/QxL Series products, said Phabrix.

Audio functionality of the Qx and QxL products has also been updated, including the ability to receive up to four independent 32-channel ST 2110-30/-31 flows simultaneously under NMOS control. Users can also take advantage of a new ‘Audio Group Mode’ metering feature that allows a single 16-channel audio meter to analyse one group of audio (4 channels) from each of up to four selected audio streams, said the company.

The optional extended EUHD license for the QxL Series rasterisers, enables the units to simultaneously generate and receive ST 2110-20 flows up to 4K60P 444:12-bit. Phabrix said it is also now possible to select an ST2022-6 flow in IP-2110 ‘boot mode’ and undertake fundamental flow analysis such as 2022-7 status, interpacket timing, sequence error assessments, and statistics.

“Long-term Phabrix Qx and QxL Series customers will be aware of our commitment to frequent, meaningful upgrades that deliver major improvements in terms of system performance and additional capabilities,” said Phabrix product manager Prinyar Boon. “The V4.7 release is no exception and brings a host of significant enhancements to our market-leading rasterisers.”

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