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Sony has announced new firmware updates for the FX6 & VENICE 2. Now, before you get too excited these won’t be available for a few months. FX6 Version 4.0 and VENICE 2 Version 2.1 will be released this summer and a major new upgrade for the VENICE 2, Version 3.0, will be available in early 2024.

FX6 Version 4.0

FX6 Version 4.0 expands the capabilities of this camera by adding new features including a de-squeeze function for anamorphic lenses and autofocus in S&Q mode. This is the direct result of feedback from the filmmaking community,.

FX6 Version 4.0 will now offer a de-squeeze function for anamorphic lenses, but strangely there are only options for 1.3x and 2.0x. This mode enables you to select the de-squeeze ratio for the HDMI output image and the image displayed in the View Finder.

FX6 Version 4.0 also adds autofocus support in S&Q mode. Autofocus is available for 7 fps or higher in S&Q (Slow & Quick) mode. This will be a very useful addition for FX6 users.

FX6 Version 4.0 also includes Cine EI Quick support, offering the same production workflow as Cinema Line cameras, including the FX30, and FX3. File naming is now the same as our high-end CineAlta cameras such as the FX9, VENICE and VENICE 2, to ensure an easier workflow, especially in a multi-camera setup.

VENICE 2 Version 2.1

In addition to FX6 V4.0, Sony is pleased to announce an update to VENICE 2, with Version 2.1. VENICE 2 Version 2.1 improves the zoom to fit function when the imager is in 3:2 aspect ratio. The current zoom to fit function cuts off the side of the 17:9 viewing angle, resulting in a narrower angle than expected. Version 2.1 will now crop 16:9 from the entire full-frame 3:2 area.

VENICE 2 Version 3.0

The VENICE 2 Version 3.0 firmware update is planned to be available in early 2024. Version 3.0 was designed based on feedback from the filmmaking community.

Version 3.0 will also support a new external frame line generator tool that will enable import/export capability for frame line generation. In addition, Version 3.0 will improve high frame rate modes, allowing users to shoot 90 fps with 2x anamorphic lenses, while a new 33.333 variable FPS has been added for anti-flicker at 50Hz. Version 3.0 will also include features to help improve the color fidelity of in-camera VFX when mixing standard production lighting and LED volumes.

Version 3.0 will also add new functionality to further enhance the VENICE 2’s use for the growing live cinematic multicam market. There will be an improved paint menu and RM/RCP Control for live content production, including added adjustments for saturation, skin detail, white balance, and shutter – even when RCP/RM paint control is off. Version 3.0 will also enable 3D-LUT selection when RCP/RM paint control is on. 


The new FX6 Version 4.0 and VENICE 2 Version 2.1 updates will be available in the Summer 2023, while VENICE 2 Version 3.0 will be available in early 2024.

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