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AEQ is now offering the Smartalk service as a home application for high quality broadcasts from any smartphone. The classic, web-based SMARTALK application generates links, which are occasionally sent by email, WhatsApp, QR code or any other means.

When the guest clicks on the link, the application sends an OPUS audiocodec that connects to the station's AEQ Phoenix audiocodec.

The resident SMARTALK application, downloadable for free from Google Play or AppleStore, installs a fixed application on the Smartphone.

In both cases, without further intervention, the audio link between the device's microphone and speaker or headset, and the station's audiocodec, is ready.

But the home SMARTALK app has full control over the smartphone, ensuring compatibility with the equipment and allowing the use of professional microphones and headsets, making it suitable for professional use by sports reporters or commentators who work with a station on a regular basis.

It is not necessary to have an audiocodec, or to be helped to set it up and use it. This means that employees can intervene from anywhere where there is Internet connectivity.

The participant clicks, the welcome screen appears, clicks again and is active on air over the pre-assigned codec line, or whatever is available at the station, and is ready to participate. It avoids sending a mobile unit, or moving the guest, as they use their own smartphone to connect and participate.

Any AEQ Phoenix audiocodec user can subscribe to the SMARTALK service on a trial basis. If after the trial you decide to subscribe to the service, you can purchase an annual renewable licence based on the number of studio audiocodecs you want to enable for the service.

SMARTALK subscribers can make use of the service as they see fit, and download the application or submit their web connection link as many times as they need to during the subscription period, for the number of licensed Phoenix audiocodecs.

If SMARTALK is activated for a latest generation AEQ Phoenix audiocodec (Venus 4), channels of the audiocodec can be individually preset to SMARTALK, allowing a studio audiocodec to dynamically work with SMARTALK or against other portable audiocodecs. On other Phoenix audiocodecs, channels can be assigned to the service manually.

SMARTALK uses the very high quality OPUS encoding of AEQ Phoenix audiocodecs, allowing you to choose modes that allow you to use a remote PC by connecting a sound outlet to it, even for broadcasting music events.

For high availability and low delay, there is a redundant and distributed infrastructure on several cloud servers in different regions of the world, so that each audiocodec works against a sufficiently close cloud infrastructure.

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