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AJA Video released v1.16 software update for BRIDGE LIVE. It includes Rocky Linux 9 OS, support for SRT v. 1.5.3, an NDI update with multiple discovery support, Dolby E passthrough and AAC-HE support, timecode insertion in SEI, and important bug fixes. It is recommended that all BRIDGE LIVE systems update to this new version.

New Features (Requires active Annual Maintenance Option)

● SRT Bonding Redundancy over Public Internet: Hitless protection switching technology which relies on more than one IP network path to prevent disruption to live video streams in the event of network congestion or outages by maintaining continuity of service. SRT Bonding is a new feature that provides a mechanism for increasing the reliability and quality of live video streams over IP networks.

● Timecode Insertion in SEI (supplemental enhancement information): Supports inserting Timecode into SEI for encoding into HEVC or H.264 streams. The timecode inserted can be set to lock to NTP (Network Time Protocol), which must be configured on the sending BRIDGE LIVE via the active settings.ini file.

● Dolby E Passthrough support: Supports 20-bit Dolby-E passthrough. 16-bit Dolby E is not supported. Provides the capability to receive and send Dolby-E within SDI or MPEG-TS audio. Does not provide access to decode or encode to/from Dolby-E and AES-3; it is only a passthrough feature.

● AAC-HE v1 and v2: Encode and decode on any codec supporting AAC. Supports ADTS and LATM.

Improvements (With or without Annual Maintenance Option, applies to already supported features)

● New Rocky Linux 9 operating system: Previous CentOS 7 went EOL in June 2024. Rocky Linux 9 is a long-term stable release. This is a compatible upgrade, meaning a system downgrade to a previous version will work.

● SRT v1.5.3 update: Enables SRT bonding redundancy over public internet for servers (with active Maintenance Option). SRT v1.5.3 is a fully backward compatible version of SRT, ensuring previously built workflows will still function.

● NDI v5.6 update: Supports multiple NDI Discovery Servers; configured in the active settings.ini file.

● NDI Frame Sync selection added to UI.

● Reference detection: Provides reference input status for SDI output genlock.

● Monitoring Service: Provides a centralized view of pipelines between multiple BRIDGE LIVEs and Comprimato’s Live Transcoder instances. The Monitoring Service connects through Comprimato’s server portal to provide a comprehensive view of each pipeline on a dashboard. The dashboard is accessed via a web browser. Use of this feature requires internet access.

● AJA SDK and Drivers updated to v17.0.1.

● SCTE-35 recognition and passthrough, MPEG-TS -> MPEG-TS.

● Dashboard Stream Statistics improvement.

● TR01 automatic adaptation to different mfg versions. Removed ‘compliance with’ from input.

● Hostname added into System Info page.

● Added /API/system/hostname REST endpoint to retrieve hostname via REST API.

● Precise estimation of output TS bitrate, includes fine-tuned restriction for total bitrate overhead.

● Show minimum allowed bits when bitrate is set too low on output.

● TR-07 JPEG XS compliance improved: computation of Plev (level and sublevel) in (JXS ES) header.

● Limits for maximum video resolution are available in settings.ini.

● NDI source improvements

● Total output bit rate addition of ‘Automatic’ setting. Enabled by default.

● NDI manual Source entry.

● NDI Frame Sync control added to UI.

● Correct latency constants file used in all setting files. Setting -1 in the manual latency addition field will enable dynamically calculated latency addition (PTS offset) for each pipeline, rather than a fixed latency. There is an info balloon on the field.

Resolved Bugs (With or without Annual Maintenance Option, only applies to already supported features)

● Avoid drops caused by violating latency constraints from NDI source (use only positive PTS offsets).

● NDI Stuck when scan rate changes.

● Input Auto-Reconfiguration:

○ Missing audio prevents pipeline from auto-reconfiguring

○ PIDs of are not preserved in passthrough

○ SDI ANC passthrough continues working when sample rate or bit-depth of audio is changed

● UI: audio dialog errors not shown.

● Audio 3 channels downmix to stereo.

Visit AJA’ site to download BRIDGE LIVE v1.16 software update.


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