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Panasonic unveiled a new firmware, V1.7 for the Panasonic AV-UHS500 live switcher. This update will enable Panasonic’s live switcher to offer increased flexibility in response to the growing demand for video production and distribution in live entertainment, events, and more.
The upcoming firmware upgrade for the AV-UHS500 will enhance the functionality and convenience, both within systems and when integrating the camera with other Panasonic products.
1. Compatibility with Panasonic Media Production Suite Software
In the Media Production Suite, Device View will display devices in a list and allow IP address to be configured.
2. Other Updates
The AV-UHS500 will newly offer additional Audio Input selections and enhanced compatibility with Panasonic PTZ cameras.
To complement the company’s comprehensive video production ecosystem, including cameras and software, Panasonic continuously upgrades its AV-UHS500 live switcher in response to user feedback, including for increased hardware stability and software expandability, striving to offer diverse content creators and other users enhanced video production capability.
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