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Engineering Service, Inc.   »  News 

Production and post company FrameTrunk has revamped its live ingest systems with high-density AJA Corvid 88 video and audio I/O cards, which help manage multiple, high resolution input and output streams.

FrameTrunk works with broadcasters, production companies and corporations to provide tailored solutions and on-site support for everything from ingest to editorial, Cloud-based logging, live streaming and contribution.

The company said in the last year it has seen the demand for UltraHD among clients increase significantly. “To keep pace and stay competitive, we need to be able to tackle any size resolution or frame rate, and with AJA Corvid 88, we are more than capable. It supports UltraHD 50p and a myriad of other transport standards and frame rates for HD, 2K, UltraHD and 4K delivery,” said James Hunter, CTO, FrameTrunk.

The Corvid 88s are predominantly used in FrameTrunk’s live ingest system, which supports simultaneous generation of high resolution and proxy media. While media is encoded, the company’s proprietary software suite regrows files onto SANs for chase-based live edits or delivery drives; proxy files can also be delivered into its Cloud-based MAM for live logging.

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