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Calrec will debut its Argo audio mixing control platform with the Argo Q and Argo S models at the 2023 NAB Show, April 15-19, in Las Vegas. The company will also introduce ImPulse1 to assist those moving to IP.

Argo is fully modular with interchangeable hardware panels. At its core, Argo uses Calrec’s Assist UI, which means that regardless of working on physical hardware panels or a remote GUI, the user interface is familiar and easy to drive, the company said.

Broadcasters can take advantage of the modular panel system to adapt surface hardware to meet their unique requirements. The Argo Q model supports two mid-level rows of interchangeable panels, while the Argo S supports one mid-level row, it said.

Calrec also will feature a comprehensive system of user templates that makes it possible to change the hardware interface instantly to support evolving user preferences.

Using optically bonded touchscreens, the Argo physical control surface offers visual feedback and fast access. The soft panels provide a richer user experience. Hardware panels allow them to build definable functions and apply templates. Panels are interchangeable, making it easy to grow and adapt the console, the company said.

Calrec also will introduce ImPulse1 to support users wishing to move to IP. Working with Argo Q and Argo S as well as Calrec Assist, ImPulse1 enables cores with smaller DSP license to be made available without hardware redundancy, it said.

ImPulse1 is designed for small to medium single mixer applications and has an all-new DSP license of 128 input channels without compromising its SMPTE ST 2110 capability. ImPulse1 does not compromise on features and DSP power; it has DSP options ranging from 128 to 384 input channels and benefits from the DSP features from the larger ImPulse core.

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