Engineering Service, Inc.
Audio equipment
» Mixing consoles
Mixing consoles

At NAB 1996, AEQ launched the affordable and ‘Cool Stuff’ award-winning BC-300 audio mixer for broadcasting. This console was designed to offer professional technology and features; it delivers the highest sound quality while working 24 hours a day 7 days a week at an affordable price suitable for small and medium-sized radio stations.
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The new ARENA Console provides several quality enhancements in relation to the BC 2000D mixer. Among the improvements included is the capability to monitor all the signals present in the system, as well the use of the configuration presets in relation to the Swap Page. Furthermore, in the ARENA the dedicated controls for Dynamic, EQ, Routing and Select located above the faders have dual function. In the other mode of operation, these controls turn into send buttons which routes the signals to buses such as Master 1, Master 2, Aux.1 and Aux.2.
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Designed for broadcast stations requiring a high quality professional mixer at a reasonable price. Modular design. Two standard configurations to which new modules can be incorporated. Standard chassis holds up to 20 modules, and incorporates the audio level meters (bar-graph type) and the PFL speakers. VCA signal control on faders. Transformer balanced inputs and outputs. RF filters in input modules.
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The new BC-300 series addresses the need for an On Air Professional Console at an affordable price for small and medium size radio stations.
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