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Hong Kong broadcaster TVB upgrades Calrec audio consoles

Hong Kong broadcaster TVB (Television Broadcasts Limited) has upgraded its production studios with Calrec Artemis digital audio consoles. The three new Artemis consoles will replace legacy Calrec Alpha consoles that have been operating at TVB for almost a decade.

Solotech Relies on FUJINON Lenses for Large Concerts as Touring Division Expands

Concert touring division of Montreal-based Solotech has come to rely on several FUJINON lenses to support large concert tours. The audio and video equipment rental, integration, and event technology provider counts the FUJINON XA99x8.4BESM ultra-wide field production lens, HA14x4.5BERM Premier super wide-angle ENG lens, HA18x7.6BERM Premier series standard ENG lens, and HA23x7.6BERM Premier telephoto lens as stalwarts in its equipment arsenal.

Ceske Radiokomunikace Selects ATEME to Power its New Full-Software DVB-T2 HEVC Video Headend

ATEME announced that České Radiokomunikace, a leading provider of digital infrastructure and the largest Czech service provider, has deployed its compression and statistical multiplexing (statmux) solutions for the company’s DVB-T2 HEVC services. České Radiokomunikace’s brand new HEVC statmux headend uses ATEME’s TITAN full-software solution to deliver more than 15 channels in one DVB-T2 multiplex across the Czech Republic with premium video quality.

Panasonic announced Live Production Center at NAB 2017

At NAB 2017 Panasonic introduced the HLC100 Live Production Center, a system that facilitates video and audio creation where a limited number of operators is available, such as university sports, webcasting, live streaming, and live event video production. The Center makes one-person operation possible for remote camera shooting to streaming transmission.

TVN Chooses Leader LV5490 for UHD-HDR Bundesliga OB Tests

Hannover-based TVN MOBILE PRODUCTION, one of Europe's largest outside broadcast fleet operators, has ordered five Leader LV5490 test instruments for use in its first UHD-HDR mobile production truck. Logic Media Solutions, Leader's Darmstadt-based channel partner, supported TVN during pre-purchase evaluation and will complete the delivery.

MEDIAPRO selects latest Sony 4K technology for sports OBs

Leading technical services supplier MEDIAPRO has chosen the latest 4K technology from Sony for the production and transmission of sports programmes, equipping the two most important OB units in their fleet. The installation was carried out by the integrating companies of the MEDIAPRO group.

Presteigne Broadcast Hire invests in Canon 4K lenses

As part of its multi-million pound investment in UHD equipment, Presteigne Broadcast Hire has purchased multiple 4K studio, field, ENG and telephoto lenses from Canon. Lenses included in the deal are UHD DIGISUPER 86 (UJ86x9.3B) lenses which provide Presteigne with exceptional optical performance, surpassing even 4K resolution and offering outstanding focal range. The field broadcast lens is ideal for use within live broadcast production environments and combats any camera shake with its built-in optical image stabiliser.

NewTek IP Series is Studio Daily Prime Awards “Best of Show” at NABShow 2017

NewTek’s IP series won top honors in the sixth annual StudioDaily Prime Awards, announced during a special presentation on the show floor at NAB. The product line was named the most outstanding, or “Best in Show,” by a panel of judges convened by StudioDaily to evaluate the best of production and post-production technology introduced during 2016.

At NAB 2017 Panasonic unveiled XPD3 Card Reader

At NAB 2017 Panasonic announced the new hi-speed card reader. Seven minutes to download a 512GB Express P2 Card with Panasonic’s new XPD3 card reader! Eight minutes to download two 512 Express P2 Cards with two XPD3 card readers!

Autoscript introduced fully-IP teleprompting system

Autoscript has launched Intelligent Prompting – claimed to be the broadcast industry’s “first” completely IP-enabled teleprompting solution. The new product debuted at NAB 2017, where Autoscript showcased Intelligent Prompting in an end-to-end teleprompting workflow designed to deliver the connectivity, flexibility, ease of use, and reliability critical for modern broadcast operations.

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