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Tiffen Warm Diffusion Filters

Tiffen has announced a new range of Warm Diffusion filters that have been designed to create different looks for a diverse array of skin complexions. Tiffen Filter’s are claimed to provide a natural-looking diffusion while adding a warm overtone. Warm Diffusion filters create a soft warm glow and smooth out fine details in the skin while maintaining definition.

NDI and Adobe partner for Creative Cloud support

NDI (Network Device Interface) expanded its capabilities for Adobe Creative Cloud with integrated extension panels for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. The new NDI output streamlines production by removing the need for producers and creatives to export designs for teams and clients to review them.

LYNX Technik Announces Second Generation yellobrik Sync Pulse Generator with Genlock

LYNX Technik, provider of modular signal processing interfaces, announces its new portable solution yellobrik SPG 1708 – sync pulse generator with genlock.

Chyron Releases PRIME Live Platform 4.2

Chyron has released PRIME Live Platform 4.2. This powerful, broadcast-grade platform offers a full suite of production capabilities including live graphics, production switching, video walls and scaling, touchscreen, branding, venue control, and augmented reality. The flexible, scalable platform is deployable on-prem, in the cloud, or in a hybrid architecture.

FXLION NANO THREE Battery Released – 150Wh in a Micro Form Factor

FXLION has introduced the latest addition to their popular NANO V-Mount battery series: the FXLION NANO THREE. This battery packs a capacity of 150Wh in an extremely compact form factor. This new 150Wh version completes the FXLION NANO series along with the NANO ONE (50Wh) and NANO TWO (98Wh) models.

Vibez.Live Tunes Into Calrec’s Type R For Radio

South African internet radio station Vibez.Live has moved into the digital realm with Calrec’s Type R for Radio. And takes advantages of its power, flexibility and sound quality.

Remote Production 2.0

Although it may seem that remote production was born out of necessity to address a growing demand for distributed workflows amidst global lockdowns, it was already gaining momentum prior to the pandemic, which accelerated the trend. But why is remote production so attractive, and what is the broadcast industry doing to advance this initiative? What will it look like in the next ten years?

LYNX Technik Introduces Yellobrik Extension Kit

LYNX Technik unveiled its RYB 6000 yellobrik extension kit for the greenMachine rack frame. The RYB 6000 kit is intended for use with the greenMachine RFR 6000 rack frame, which typically holds up to two greenMachine modules. It is designed specifically to add rack space for the yellobrik line of greenMachine and yellobrik modules in a single system, the company said.

Sony FX9 – Additional Information about the Upcoming V3 Firmware Update

The upcoming Sony FX9 firmware update v3 will be available in November 2021 and it will include new features such as the anamorphic lens support, B4 lens support with an adapter, center scan mode, real-time AF tracking, focus zero marker, and more.

Ateme implements Titan on the cable TV platform of Indian broadcaster DL Gtpl

Ateme has recently announced that Indian multi-system operator DL Gtpl Digital TV & Broadband Services (DL Gtpl) has chosen it solutions to improve its cable-TV platform.

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